Institutional Islam does not want to take sides for or against the Islamic Terrorists and the Islamic Extremists. Islam teaches that the world will one day be all Muslim and Islam does not want to hinder the process, even though the process is bloody.
You will not see Institutional Islam, and by that I mean the Imams and Mullahs and the leaders of the larger more influential Mosques of the Muslim world would say Islam believes in the rights of non-Muslims, that there can be no forced or false conversion to Islam, that everyone of whatever religion has basic human rights and cannot be forced to follow Islam or Islamic law… In other words, if Islam taught peaceful co-existence the war on terror would be over.
Institutional Islam must know this simple fact. Islam is the problem and only tolerance and peace is the solution. The simple platitudes are not enough. Every child in Islamic school is taught the error of Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and the Baha’i Faith. There is no doubt in any Muslim’s mind that non-Muslims are wrong about religion.