It seems all of America is agreed that elitism and misdirection, if not malice, has brought to our government to a standstill. Arcane and anticompetitve laws need to change so that the government and the people can get back to work. What needs to work is the government, and the first order of business is to fix a broken Congress.
The system we have now is bought and paid for by business and industry that keeps politicians rich and taxpayers poor. The only beneficiaries of our system are those who add nothing to the economy: politicians, government employees, and lawyers. These people produce nothing for the country, but redistribute wealth from the taxpayer mainly to the top one percent. It is in the interest of the 99% to simplify and bring reason to this pump that takes money and moves it up to the rich, via laws bought by the rich leaving us sold out by our government. No one thinks it makes sense to run things the way we run things, but resistance to rational choices come from the One Percent and the Government who get rich on the system.
The disparity of wealth that exists between the One Percent and the other 99% is supported by an arcane system of laws that assures no member of Congress will ever need to spend his/her own money, and that each member of Congress will enrich her/himself from the moment of election for the rest of his/her life. And no one denies that all the money for the stituation come, directly or indirectly, at the tax payer’s expense. Congress directly costs the taxpayers about $3 billion a year, and most of that is not in salaries but in benefits. Do the math for 539 congressmen and that is about $5.5 million per congressman per year. But the indirect cost is much higher. Just think why it takes five years to break ground on a public building and you get an alphabet of reasons: DEP, EPA, DOA, DOJ, HUD, Labor, anyone who is doing their Federal job will draw their salary from certifying that everything is done according to an impossible maze of laws. Our system is supported by the impossible. Then all the added costs to support the certification by government are pumped up to the large corporations who pay the workers a little, but fill up the campaign coffers of Congressmen to insure nothing changes.
Taxpayer disgust is clear and Tea Party and Occupy activists are purposefully confused by government and journalists who do governement work. Understanding the issues is deliberately confused by those who make their living from our government. It does not serve the purposes of the Government or the One Percent if we can clearly see how our money is spent. But it is clear the money is spent without any improvement to our quality of life, but only to the quality of life of those who make their living in the politics industries.
Simply put this can stop if and when the 99% gets transparency to their government. Only when we can accept the fact that we all want our government be simplified, except of course the Government and lawyers. We know the laws we live with cost us much more than just our time, frustration and taxes. They also make our economic progress more difficult for no good reason.
When the cost of government is put in terms we can understand, like the cost of the seat belt laws, the cost of food regulation, the cost of drug enforcement, the cost of immigration…. When those costs add up to the total paid by taxpayers and we can see what it is we are paying for the Tea Partyists and the Occupy movement will have no complaints. We will see what needs to change.
As it is everything is based upon impossible situations. And the most impossible situation is Congress. Yes, the whole of our US governement profits from the fact Congress has created the impossible. And the taxpayers must pay for the impossible, eventually.
Every time new laws pass to attempt to protect or somehow help a sector of our population no one profits but those who make the laws and those who make their living checking to see the laws are followed. Perhaps those sectors of the population are helped, but at a hidden and increasingly impossible cost to the taxpayers. And we all pay every cent of the salaries of those who make, enforce, and dispute those laws.
A man in my town posted a video on YouTube of him shooting a deer on his own property. He had the correct licenses and did everything legal, except he did not report the hunt to our authorities as required by law. Who benefits from his $2500 fine and jail time? Why do we have such dear price to pay to keep the correct count of hunted deer in this area? I am glad the government gets his money instead of mine this time, but I am sure that $2500 fine is hardly enough to pay for the system we have that “caught” this law breaker. The number of people who make their living counting hunted deer can hardly be paid with $2500. They need taxpayer money.
This is a complicated issue, but what is easy to see is that the system is not working. What should happen is Congress makes a law to help someone or fix a problem. Taxpayers pay for the law and its costs. But what happens is the costs are hidden in the complexities of overburdening and impossible to follow laws. One of the best things about our system of laws is that so many of them are not enforced. But when they are enforced, we are all lawbreakers. And ignorance of the law is no excuse.