Health Care versus Treatment

I understand that if something happens and you are no longer as healthy as you used to be you can get treatment and get cured, brought back to health. I do NOT understand avoiding all sorts of  “unhealthy” foods. What is the point? Avoiding sugar will not keep me from breaking my leg.

But how does one define healthy? If you know what healthy is, if you have an exhaustive list it is relatively simple to achieve health. But lacking such a list we are reduced to referring to a simple lack of maladies. If you are not sick you are healthy. Without a better definition of health we cannot be more specific.

When it comes to being healthy it seems to me many of us are not capable of critical thinking, and are being sidetracked by diverse and sometimes contradictory claims. Just because some of us are convinced that, for example, white flour and white sugar have nutritional properties that some of us with health problems should avoid does NOT mean white flour and white sugar are poisons. All foods have qualities that may be appropriate for maintaining the health of everyone at different times in their lives

There is no proof that flour and sugar are worse than, say, broccoli or arugula. If you got all your nutrition from green vegetables you will still have health problems as frequently as everyone else (or at least there has never been a study or rationale to prove a healthy benefit of such a diet). There is no evidence to suggest you will be healthier if you only ate broccoli or avoided broccoli altogether. These claims are not made, and we should try to understand why. This is not an argument for moderation, this as an illustration of faulty thinking.

Green Vegetable Diet

The problem seems to be critical thinking. Studies suggest that diets rich in red meats increase the incidence of colon cancer. That does not mean if you avoid red meats you will not get colon cancer. Studies also suggest that if you eat lots of fruits and vegetables you have less likelihood of colon cancer. That does not mean that if you avoid fruits and vegetables you will get colon cancer. But many believe it is a truism that you are healthier if you avoid red meats and eat lots of fruits and vegetables. This truism does not follow from the evidence.  However it is true that if your diet contains little red meat and lots of fruits and vegetables you have less chance of getting colon cancer than the general population.  This does not mean you will be more “healthy” unless your personal definition of health includes a lower than normal chance of getting colon cancer.

Reducing our intake of flour and sugar generally will help us lose weight. Losing weight is generally healthier. That does not mean avoiding flour and sugar is necessarily healthy, although obesity is generally recognized as unhealthy. If weight loss is your aim then avoiding flour and sugar is a good idea, but not essential, and will help you achieve a reasonable response to your efforts to lose weight.

News about flour and sugar

Another reason people say avoiding flour and sugar is healthy is Otto Warburg’s work showing that cancer cells use non-oxygenated or fermented sugar to grow while non-cancerous cells use oxygen. There is no credible claim that sugar and flour cause cancer, however.

Literally trillions of people alive and dead throughout history have eaten flour and water with no evident ill-effects, and lived relatively healthy lives compared to those who have eschewed all flour and sugar. I can find no claim that anyone who does not eat flour and sugar has any powers or faculties or proclivities or “health” that others who eat flour and sugar do not have.

Studies suggest that if you have cancer that cancer will grow more rapidly on a sugar and flour diet. Also we are told that its properties are such that eating some flour and sugar will give you quick energy, often the comparison seems to be like a drug, but leaves you depleted shortly thereafter. If that is true that sugar and flour have those properties then eating some sugar along with something that has a longer lasting nutritional effect would be a good thing. But that is not the claim.

If you ride your bike and break your leg it does NOT mean that riding a bike is unhealthy. Maybe it is unhealthy for YOU, but even that cannot be said for sure. Perhaps at this time in your life it is good for your health to avoid flour and sugar and bicycles.  Only you can make that choice. It is certainly not true that if you need to avoid such things others should as well.

No diet can be proscribed as healthy for everyone. If you have diabetes you should not eat large quantities of sugar, but if you don’t have diabetes is there a reason to avoid sugar? I can find only those I have listed above. If you have a blood condition, hemochromatosis, one should avoid iron rich foods like spinach and red meat, and vitamin C which helps one absorb such food borne iron called ferratin. Some people should avoid dairy products or nut products because it does damage to their digestive systems.  But there is no diet that is good for everyone.

In most cases one should probably avoid a eating large meal before heavy exercise or sleep for some reasons I can name, but a cognizant person very well might have reason to eat such a meal.  Knowing one’s own body and taking into account many factors people need to think critically and not accept the proposition that any common food is unhealthy or poison.  Such a proposition is patently absurd, depending on your definitions of “health” and “poison”.

There are reasons to avoid some foods. But under different circumstances those same foods can be beneficial. Certainly if you are an athlete or ill or have some other reason to need quick energy and nutrition sugar and flour are the best choices. One should be wary and test claims like you will get quick energy then crash.  Perhaps your metabolism is not one that crashes so easily.  The claims are not backed up by credible studies.  The point is to think critically.

Alarmist literature

Trillions of people are psychotic addicts demented by sugar intake 100 times higher than it was 200 years ago when sugar was very expensive.  Equating sugar to drugs may very well be a good comparison.  It tastes sweet, we like it, it makes us feel energetic and satisfied.  Shall we eschew everything we like just because we like it? Or are we perhaps being judgmental in our not wanting others to do things we have decided we ourselves shouldn’t do?

Do we really want to save the world from white flour and white sugar?  If so, let’s please state the reasons clearly: it tastes too good, saps our energy after a while, might help some of us become obese, cause cancers to grow a bit faster.  The claim that it changes our mood and behavior and ties to dementia might be stretching a bit.

And is it healthier to eat only natural foods raw than to cook foods that have been raised with non toxic (by a standard definition of toxic) chemicals?  Is raw honey more healthy than a prepared honey or sugar?  Why is that?

I have lots to say on the subject that is not predictable.  In short, it is up to you personally what is healthy.  Going against your own beliefs can be hazardous to your health.  But to enforce your beliefs on others without a clear definition or aim is more religion than nutrition.

Start with a definition that you can live with, like, being healthy means living your life according to personal standards that values nature and purity and other values that, to the rest of us, don’t seem to have much to do with health.




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Torrington Trash Collection

I am not eligible for trash collection at Compatible Computers because I am commercial. I can hire a dumpster, or take my trash home in a garbage bag. I don’t have much trash anyway, just a lot of paper.

So when someone moved out of a house on one side of me and their trash was piled in my parking lot that proposed a problem. I was here early and moved some of the stuff around at 6 AM to get it closer to the road so it would all be taken.

Seven garbage containers on this side of the street, the entire block, were evidently full, with the top not fully closed. So I assumed the driver would return. But no such luck.

did not list the number so I had to call. The person who answered, should have taken a name, gave me the number, 860-489-2232 told me to call Reliable Refuse of Winsted, CT at 860-379-1662. I don’t think they have a web site.

Talked to Steve who told me the driver had gone home for the day and he would try to get someone to come back, but if not they would get it very very early the following morning. So I waited until the following morning.

Still the seven cans were full the following morning, so I called Reliable Refuse again. Spoke to Steve again who told me that “the landlord” had called and said that I had filled the trash cans and so now this is commercial refuse and they won’t touch it.

So I hit the roof and Steve hung up the phone, so I called back and asked to speak to Steve’s supervisor. Robert, the dispatcher, said the supervisor was not available but how could he help. He said he heard the frustration. I said no one on the street got their trash picked up, and Steve accused me of filling 7 trash cans based on the comment of someone who identified herself as “the landlord”. Name? Address? There are seven full cans, which one is she the landlord to?

I am the only one on the street who cares if there is trash in the front of the houses. I put trash in cans that were already full, not my trash, but who will clean up? Finally Robert said he would send someone to take the trash.

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Is it Fascist?

The Republican dynamic is easily seen in the comments section of Huffpost. Leave an intolerant, bigoted and downright silly comments and see how many “faves” you get. Say something like “deport” or “no amnesty” or “illegals” and Republicans will not even read your post further, but fave it.

It is High School clique mentality. They think they will win the election because they all think alike and will jump to the aid of anyone who wears their colors, says their words, or spreads their misinformation.

But is exclusion and derisiveness and insults and lying stronger than facing a problem and looking for a solution? I guess we will see. But my point is they do stick together using the same illogical terminology and inaccurate insults. Kind of like fascism, don’t you think?

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Hard to be Neutral

Republicans recently disgust me. Their actions in Congress and their mindless objections to Immigration Reform, almost every single Republican, makes me less than neutral. Every Republican I have spoken to who opposes immigration reform opposes it for reasons that don’t makes sense, usually it boils down to one word: illegal. Well, that is not really true, and there are so many illegal things that all of us are MORE illegal than those whose visas have expired and are counted with the 11.7 million who are deportable, but that is not what I wanted to write about this AM.

I have so many ideas to continue with, that our health when we age is such that when we are not improving we are declining. I have stopped drinking altogether and found some basic changes in my health that I am compelled to say something.

Republicans want less government at a higher cost, have lots to say about that. Too many stupid laws, and this gay marriage debate and no furniture on front porches and official language in the US, all that stuff.

RE can provide an alternative, deeper examination of the basic biology precepts of evolution. A system that works is the system that survives, not the system that provide survival of the fittest…

Too many stupid laws, and a psychoanalyst appeared on CNN to analyze him psychologically, and jeepers the pschoanalyst Jeanne something? said he was a murderer and depressed and on and on… If that happened to me I would want the chance to defend myself. Wonder how that would work out.

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14 days left of obstructionist bigots

I am not the only person to complain about this Republican do-nothing Congress, or even the only one who complains about Too Much Government.

This Congress is by far the worst Congress we have ever tolerated. More harm than good, empirically provable.

Our lives would have been better had this Congress never met. In 14 days it will be gone, and good riddance. I am one of the vast majority of disgusted Americans who directly blame the Republicans, and although I recognize journalistic bias that is sure to come from Tuesday’s elections we are sure to hear a lot about a tide turning toward Democrats and anger at Republicans… 14 more days of Republican obstructions and maybe some action in a lame-duck Congress. We can only hope. It is enough to make me, a fervent libertarian, turn Democrat to fight these obstructionist, bigoted fools in the House of Representatives.

I would like to see the real costs of Congress. Some sites call it about $30 million a day, but I don’t know if that includes the perks and the building costs, security, pensions etc.

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“Police Weren’t Fooled”

On the 9AM news from WZBG radio Jeff Zeiner said a woman reported that she wanted to buy weed from a man she did not know, he entered her car and presented a gun to rob her.  Later he called police to say that she robbed him but “police weren’t fooled” and all my internal alarms go off.  I know these police, I know human nature, and I know the story was a lot more complicated than Jeff Zeiner thinks it is.  Being a normal white guy he believes the police, and me being a non-normal white guy who knows lots and lots of black, brown, foreign, liberal and conservative people, I know the story is not that simple.

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Copyright: Be Scared!

All of the material you are about to read from this site is copyrighted by Kent Johnson, Compx2 LLC and copying or repeating in any way the material you read hear in is punishable by US law up to an including a fine of $200,000 per copy and/or occurrence.

If anyone understands the law they are not admitting it.  When I was sued by Microsoft they said I owed them $200,000 per copy and that there were “at least” five copyrights involved.  They said I sold two copies so my math brought it to two million dollars, but if you read the law it is $100,000 per copy, not that it makes any difference.  Their position is to try to scare me into giving them money.  And the judge just wants both of us to settle.   When I mentioned the $100,000 difference to their lawyer she shrugged.

It is all a game, a trick, a job, a strange way for justice to work.  Your MP3 player or iPod might be worth a billion dollars in copyright fines.  Does anyone pay the fines?  There are cases where people are found liable but I sincerely doubt they had the means to pay the fines.  Ask any lawyer and they will defend the law, that its intent is different, that no one really follows the letter of the law.  But that is the lawyer and the lawmaker’s livelihood.  A licensed electrician will defend the idea that electricians need licenses.  It is job protection.  I am for safety and transparency but not necessarily the licensing that I have seen.

In my case the only one who  cared about justice was the Judge.  I mean why would any lawyer act like a human being and want what is fair for all?  It is not their job to be fair, it is their job to win money for their client.  In this case, Microsoft wanted as much as possible from me and did not care to even be present or know the details.

When it became apparent that I was the only reasonable one in the room, and the law is so incomprehensible to everyone so much so that no one even admits to what it really says in a room full of people, then why even bother with courts?  Because that is the industry, that is why.  Because it scares people.  Because it redistributes wealth among the wealthy.

Yes lawyers, lawmakers, government employees and insurance companies rely on laws that make little sense.  I was sued again by my snow-removal contractor because he fell in the snow that he was hired to remove, on my property.  My insurance company did not give me a chance to do anything at all.  He was paid $50,000 and I didn’t even so much as sign my name.  I did not agree to anything.

A colonoscopy at the local clinic costs $3800 if you have insurance and $995 if you don’t.  But google colonoscopy and you will find companies that will fly you to Costa Rica for three days and get your procedure done for that same $995.  When I had mine done I was in and out in just over an hour, and the doctor answered none of my direct questions.  I said “Did you see any diverticulosis?”  He said “Not much” turned away to walk out without hearing my other questions.  I tried to call later, what a joke.

My daughter quit her job at the Veterans Administration to have children.  So she found that without the job and with her husband working as a subcontractor she qualified for state subsidized insurance.  Now she is pregnant again and had her obstetrician bill was refused because her paperwork said she was male.  So with babe in arms she goes to the insurance office and is disgusted by how many people are on break, how many people are in the office, how little work needed to be done (literally deleting “m” and typing “f”) but she had to wait an hour in the office while the workers talked to her, were well aware of what is going on, but would not do the work until it was her turn.  She finally left trusting that the job would get done eventually.

The system is gone amuck.  No one doubts it.  Partisan people say it is the other side’s fault, but the truth is it is all our faults.  We let Congress cost us $30 million a DAY to do literally nothing.  We let government employees  encourage each other to work less.  We think productivity is bad for the economy.  We would rather do nothing than do something.  We are all screwed up, and it starts with our system of laws. The only hard work being done is performed by those we term “illegals”.



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Cost of US Health Care – The cost of Corruption

This has NOTHING to do with Obamacare.

I have no idea why this is not screamed from the mountaintops:  Our Healthcare System is Corrupt!  Just because it is legal does not mean it isn’t corrupt, anti-competitive, bad for the economy and the nation.

We complain about third world countries and bribes and corruption when our system is the most corrupt of all but legal.  We pay our Congress $30,000,000 a day to literally do nothing.  Our system is designed to make lawyers, insurance companies and lawmakers rich.  We require those jobs with laws and more laws.  We have to buy insurance, we have to hire lawyers, we have to pay our lawmakers. We make people immune from the law and the harm that they do.

For the price of a colonoscopy in Torrington one can fly to Costa Rica, have your colonoscopy, stay three nights in a luxury hotel, and return with $3000 in your pocket.  You can get health care that is as good or better from a neighboring country for a tenth the cost.  And we all scream free enterprise.  Why do we want no government oversight over the obscene prices of our health care, but we want the government in our homes when we install a light switch?  The disconnect is obvious.  We are brainwashed.

Why is that?  I wondered why people go to Mexico or Canada or the internet to buy their prescription drugs.  But now I know.  A drug I was prescribed that cost about $100 a dose I bought from China for $9. Why?  Is there an answer beyond corruption?  Is there a better word?

The cost of corruption is that this will be an international world.  Fly to Mexico and stay in a hospital room for $50 a day, or in the US for $1000 – $2500 per night.  Routine procedures in the US cost more than double the amount they cost in the next highest country.  And there are two prices in the US, one when you have insurance and one when you don’t.  Does that make sense to anyone?  I wish I could make people buy insurance for my services, and after they pay for the insurance charge them triple for my service.

I have been in hospitals in both countries and I believe the Mexican hospital treated me better.  But since I have the best insurance my government can give me as a retired State worker I should just shut up and let my insurance company and hospital post billion dollar profits every year.  If a doctor can’t make $1000 an hour the practice closes.


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I feel like going on the street to chant GIVE ME BACK A GOVERNMENT. I hope people remember when it comes time to vote these people out of office. I have never been a Democrat before, always liked the idea of a smaller government, but now it just seems like our government is designed not to work. A minority can gum up the whole thing, as evidenced right now. I have always disliked the stupid laws Democrats put in place, but now I see that those laws were necessary to protect me and others from Republicans who would abridge my rights, check my house, car, and person without cause, and just gum up the works like they are doing today out of spite. So here we have a good plan for immigration reform, (not a great plan, but okay) and it won’t see the light of day until someone gets rid of Republicans who don’t care about anything but hurting Obama.

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Critical Thinking

If the majority of us, a democracy, tolerates adding law after stupid law then we, the democracy, get what we deserve.  Justice is our own stupidity.

Our copyright laws that make every illegal copy worth $100,000.  The consequences of that stupid law itself is the degradation of our legal system.  We won’t make people pay the billions they owe for copies on their iPhones, so we just call the laws a deterrant.  Now everyone is illegal, whether they know it or not. 

Our immigration laws make 10% of the population illegal by where they live or by family members harboring illegals.  In my state it is illegal to rob a liquor store with a gun.  Just because we are stupid does not mean we are unjust.  We treat all people in the same stupid manner that enriches government employees, lawyers, insurance companies and advertisers who sell us public service announcements. 

Our laws are so stupid we need to be taught what will put us in prison. The majority believes harsher punishment will cause unthinking people to think, when instead we ourselves need to think better.  If we had no copyright laws, no immigration laws, no redundent and silly laws for specific situations we would be better off.  Like we were 100 years ago, like a third world country.  Our main problem, then, would be corruption.

If we want people to be honest and reasonable we have to teach people how to be reasonable. We have to value being reasonable.   People are not naturally reasonable, which is why democracy is problematic.  We value our feelings which are often unreasonable.  Religious countries teach there is one true religion that can help them, and then when people vote for a religious government they wonder why it doesn’t work.  Secular governments value reason over religion but still can’t convince a democracy that cutting off a hand is not justice. Reason is the ONLY accountable system of beliefs and without it every country would have a religious government something akin to the Dark Ages or at the very least we would be under the thumb of a tyrant.

Religion most often teaches one need not be reasonable in every case.  It is my personal assertion that the great Teachers Who founded all religion did not teach faith over reason, but Their words were twisted by clerics.  Regardless, the teachings of all religion these days have the exception to reason, usually called Faith. We value reason, but we don’t know how to be reasonable.

Judges in the US system of government need not be reasonable except that it is their job to make sense of the laws.  They read laws, and interpret the laws, follow the laws, and tell the two sides of a case what to do.  They value justice and reason as part of their lives, possibly, but only a secondary relationship to their job.  If they are given a law that a third conviction of any sort will put a man in prison for life, and the man is convicted for spitting on the sidewalk, well, that is the law, even though it is against reason and justice.  Or is it?

Humanity has a proclivity to make patterns and relationships where there are none.  In my book it was very possible that I need to pay $2 million to one of the richest corporations on earth just because the stupid laws are unclear.  Maybe the judge cared, maybe not.  But regardless the point is that the laws are unreasonable, but they are still the laws. And we need to decide if it is reasonable or not to keep laws that are stupid,

If the majority of the people who make up a democracy stand by while our legal system adds law after law, such as the copyright laws, that mean every copy of a recording or document is worth $100,000 to the owner then who can say that is unjust?

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