Republicans did not lose the Hispanic vote solely on the issue of immigration, but rather because Republicans only look at issues over-simplified. In immigration Republicans boil it down to “no amnesty for illegals”. The number of reasons that is just plain wrong boggles the informed mind.
To be “illegal” with “no amnesty” according to the way Republicans look at it means that, for the rest of your life you will always be illegal. It is as though you break the speed limit or drive without a seat belt and can never pay a fine or confess or become right with society ever again. That is what “no amnesty” means. Reagan’s “amnesty” required admission of guilt and paying a fine. That does not stop the simpleminded from calling it “amnesty” however.
Remember, crossing the border unexamined or “illegally” is punishable by a fine of $50-$250, like not wearing a seatbelt, but no one will take your money and make you legal again if you cross the border unexamined. Overstaying a visa is punishable only by deportation. No other remedy will do short of Deferred Action by the President of the United States.
This is an example of a system that does not work, and the passing of any law will not fix the situation simply. It has become a societal issue that directly affects the equivalent populations of our three largest cities, NYC, Chicago AND LA together. The people Republicans call “illegal” have extended families and a cash-only economy fueling the “check cashing” industry we see on every corner these days. Enforcement of existing law is not a reasonable option, and those who understand immigration know that and will not vote Republican because they know the Republican answer is stupid.
American Hispanics come from several different countries, mostly Mexico, but a Peruvian, for example, does not identify with a Mexican any more than an American identifies with and Australian, even though we both speak the same language. So to block all Spanish speakers together is a problem to begin with. Americans don’t understand the difference, like the old joke that “Mexicans” from Florida are Cuban. And Cubans and Puerto Ricans are different voting blocks because they do not have an issue with immigration in America.
Generally American Hispanics are more conservative than Europeans, however, and would be Republicans if Republicans did not oversimplify and wrongly assert their issues. Abortion? There is a voting block of those who believe in the Right to Life, and Hispanics are largely in that group, being largely Catholic. But when you involve the Government and the Laws and the Courts and the Police, well, many reasonable people would rather not. Let’s make it, as much as possible, a personal choice, a family matter. Let’s not pass any new laws to make any of us who decide we need to abort a family member even more “illegal” than we already might be.
Cuban Americans are different because they have never had an immigration problem and are prohibited by law from sending money to their families in Cuba. They don’t understand the immigration issues of other Hispanics, and have built their lives entirely on US soil, unlike other Hispanics. So when Marco Rubio addresses Hispanics it is no wonder those with families in other countries and family members with immigration issues are not attracted.
For many people making a new law is not a solution, but rather the beginning of new problems. A new law will not automatically solve problems, but it can automatically make us criminals. Our immigration laws are not working. Our society is changing and adapting to a secondary economy of “illegals”. Enforcement is not the answer. We have a huge segment of the population, as many as the entire populations of four or five of our smaller states, who are “illegal” with no remedy according to existing laws. We have a Congress who cannot act largely because Republicans block all reasonable action, or at least that is the general perception.
Lawmakers want to make new laws. Republicans see things in stark contrast, black/white, legal/illegal, having options or following the law. Republicans say they are for less government, but their proposed new laws and the enforcement of immigration laws are not going to simplify anything. Some of us want freedom from this kind of thinking, and only the Democrats protect our freedom from this stark Republican thinking. It is a shame we need laws to protect our freedom from Republican lawmakers.