Time for an update…

The Audit is OVER!  Went to a meeting and was told that, low and behold, I was under some sort of arbitrary limit, a percentage of the total in Sales Tax I had paid over the three years and therefore I would not have to pay.  That I would receive a check for about $300 in mid-October for the refunds I requested.

These are the documents Connecticut DRS requested for the audit.

They are slow, arrogant, and borderline competent...

How many people go to an audit and come out with $300 more than they went in with?  Well, this is the second time for me.  During the divorce both my ex and I (when we weren’t talking) claimed the kids as a deduction for Federal Income Tax.  They lived with me more than they lived with her, so I was audited.  I wonder if she was audited….  In any case I went to that audit armed with more deductions, more items to bring down the taxes I owed, and filed an updated return.  Even though I chose not to fight the deductions for the kids, I still got my taxes lowered.

So they requested, in writing, all the above information.  They scheduled three days to be here.  They did not look at the documents, and I don’t think they were here an hour.  They requested some documents via fax and email, but not many.  They get a lot of vacation time, that is for sure.  It took several months for them to not look at the requested documents, two meetings where none would do, and they never asked me how I figured out how much I should pay in Sales Tax until the very end.  Turns out I was right, but I didn’t know about a 1% tax (not 6.35%) on “data processing services” so they owed me a refund.

 We started incredulous at each other why we would disagree about the Statute of Limitations.  I did not want to extend it, they couldn’t understand why, and I couldn’t understand why they couldn’t understand.  We ended with me telling Unit Manager George Hary on September 9, 2012, “I find it insulting that I have been waiting since June, since before our meeting in Waterbury for the information you provided today, and you give me a time limit of six days to respond.  You people are disorganized, arrogant, and slow”  Then they paid me $300.

Want to finish the book, nearly done, but it will be expensive to publish.  Can’t decide if it is a tedious read or not.  In the mean time I will make a directory of all the correspondence I had with the audit team.  It was not nice, but fun to read.

 Time to start the DEP endeavors, filled out a form with the City of Torrington.

Been to court twice.  Prosecutors have not even read their own notes yet.  This will take time.


About Kent

Professional writer and aspiring publisher.
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